These days electric scooter has been a new trend, and it may continue in the coming years. In many places, they attract a lot of attention. And you may already be part of the trend, and this may be the reason why you are searching for a way to lock up your electric scooter.
Electric scooters are expensive, and we all have a fear of it getting stolen. So it is a good idea to get your electric scooter appropriately locked. And today, in this blog, we will present you with the best solution to lock your electric scooter.
There are different types of locks, including chain locks and disc brake locks. Disc brake locks can be useful if you park your scooter for a shorter time. D- locks can be used to re-lock the front fork. It would be best if you then remember also to have a wheel bearing inside the stirrup and that the stirrup is over both fork legs. Position the lock so that it is impossible for the thief to remove the front wheel and then lock it.
Also, a chain lock is an excellent idea for your electric scooter. Then you can lock your vehicle in a fixed object. Chain locks are more secure than disc brake locks because a chain lock must be broken in the first place to steal. Now let’s proceed into more details on different types of locks.
Find how to lock your electric scooter
U-locks for electric scooter

An extremely convenient and high-security lock named after the shape “U” is effortless to use and strong enough to protect your electric scooter from thieves. These locks are so strong that it needs a bold cutter to cut. U-locks are primarily made from steel, so the only disadvantage is that it is not as movable as cable locks.
You can find U-locks on Amazon in the price range of $20-$50.
Cable locks

Are one of the most comfortable locks made for bikes, and you can also use it for electric scooters. Not only cable locks are easy to use but notably affordable. They are very flexible and provide a medium level of security. The disadvantage of cable locks is that wire cutters can easily cut it in a few seconds.
Chain locks
Many scooter owners use a chain lock to protect it from thieves. The great thing about these locks is that wire cutters can’t cut it. You can combine the chain locks into the chain or also can be separated from the padlock. Even though chain locks are a great option among other devices, but they are weighty compared to other locks.
Note: Both chain and padlock should be stronger to secure your electric scooter.
Anti-theft Motorcycle Alarm Disc Lock for electric scooters

This disc lock is exceptionally durable and is available in amazon for only $10. The disc lock needs to be attached to the brakes of the electric scooter. Doing this restricts the scooter from moving away from the place.
This lock’s major disadvantage is that a thief can still carry your scooter and put it in a truck to steal. So it is useful if you use this lock with other locks for additional security.
Alarm lock for your electric scooter
An electric scooter lock with an alarm offers additional protection. The alarm will scare the thief and get attention. So if you want double protection, an electric scooter with an alarm is a good investment.

Install a GPS to have your electric scooter controlled at all times
Usually, a good quality lock will be more than enough to prevent your electric scooter’s theft. Still, unfortunately, if a thief is stubborn enough to take your gadget, it is best to have a GPS installed to know its location.
Note: Keep in mind that most electric scooters are foldable, so you won’t have any problems when transporting them in the car, metro, or bus. Also, in particular shops, you can enter with your means of transport without any problem, especially if you have a scooter transport bag.
Apart from all the locks mentioned above, you can also use grip lock, Disc lock, and cuff locks. Whatever locks you may use, but you need to know that the most reliable electric scooter lock is appropriately set up to prevent even skilled thieves. So it’s recommended to buy from reliable companies.
Why should I spend more money on a lock?
Even though you can find lots of electric scooter locks for a cheap rate but usually a low price means you will get poor quality. So you must spend a reasonable amount on locks. Do not buy the locks which do not have any guarantee. The difference between cheap and expensive locks is usually lower weight, more robust materials, a better quality of the mechanism, and easy to carry.
Things to remember
- i) It is essential to lock your scooter even if you are parking it for a shorter time.
- ii) For additional security of your electric scooter, add more than one lock. This makes it harder for someone to steal.
- iii) Cover your scooter with something that will make a person harder to see your scooter.
- iv) If possible, put some alarm systems in your electric scooter. If someone tries to touch it, then the alarm will ring. This will make the thief panic when he tries to steal it. You can find this kind of alarm on Amazon for under $20.
Do not forget to maintain your lock.
It is essential to maintain your lock with proper care. You need to lubricate the lock at regular periods to prevent it from getting jammed. If you lock the keyhole upwards or do not close the locking guard, you get dirt and moisture, which causes the mechanism to start to stiffen eventually.
One last thing you need to understand is that no locks are strong enough to guarantee from all kinds of thieves. Of course, if you choose the proper locks for your electric scooters, you have a very good chance of not getting it stolen, but Some thieves have a solution to every problem. Therefore, our job is to make it as secure as possible using proper locks or even multiple locks if necessary. Let’s hope that we helped you to how to lock up a scooter.